Sugar Delta Russian HQ invites you to take part in our competition!
Participants : Our Contest is OPEN to all groups and stations inside and outside of Russia.
Dates: The Contest will be in two parts (winter and spring).
The first part (winter) starts on Saturday 9 February 06:00 GMT.
The first part finish on Sunday 10 February 12:00 GMT (total 30 hours).
Second part (spring) starts on Saturday 23 March 06:00 GMT.
Second part finishes on Sunday 24 March 12:00 GMT (total 30 hours).
Frequency : All 11 meter band (please don’t use for QSOs the calling frequency 27.555, 27.190 and 27.185).
Contacts will be put on log sheets which show the following features:
1) QRZ of station and operator’s personal name
2) Date of QSO
3) The GMT time of it
4) QRZ of the worked station
5) TX prog. and RX prog. It’s possible.
6) The QSO frequency
For stations outside Russia:
1 point for each contact multiplied by the divisions worked.
For example: 50 progressives * 10 divisions = 500 Points.
For outside Russia stations:
Contact with SD member from Russia – 10 points.
Contact with not SD member from Russia – 5 points.
Total points Multiplied by Russian regions worked.
All contacts with 50, 302, 307, 326 divisions are valid.
You can have two contacts with the same station during the first part (winter) and second part (spring), but only one QSO per part
of contest.
For example:
1)9/02 302SD108 (Troitsk) - 10 points
2)10/02 50MK001 (Moscow) – 5 points
3)10/02 50DT105 (Moscow) – 5 points
3)23/03 50SD001 (Rostov) – 10 points
4)24/03 302SD108 (Troitsk) – 10 points
Total: 40 points * 3 Regions = 120 points.
Contest manager
All logs will be sent to Contest manager before 30 April 2013.
Address and E-mail
P.O. Box 3618
344022 Rostov-on-Don
Final results
Will be published in all SD forums and SD websites after 30 April 2013.
Special Contest Awards will be given for:
- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 place SD Russian stations.
- 1 place not SD station.
- 1,2,3 place outside Russia SD member.
- 1 place outside Russia non SD member.
Good luck in the contest!
Best regards.
Alex 50SD001
Russia Coordinator